Sedation Options

Options for Dental Sedation

We know that oral surgery procedures can be intimidating, and in some cases, cause you to become hesitant or anxious about undergoing implant treatment. We also understand that sometimes, that anxiety can be due to the IV sedation that is often recommended. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns, as well as your medical history, to help you determine which forms of dental sedation and anesthesia will work best for you, including alternatives to IV sedation to help ensure your optimal comfort.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is the most popular form of dental sedation because it’s mild enough to be used for children and patients undergoing less extensive dental procedures. Nitrous oxide is delivered through a mask worn over the nose, then exhaled immediately through the mouth, and the effects dissipate almost immediately once the mask is removed.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a medicine that is taken as a pill or liquid, such as valium, and is more potent than nitrous oxide sedation. In some cases, oral sedation can be combined with nitrous oxide, especially for patients who become excessively anxious at the prospect of receiving dental treatment.

IV Sedation (General Anesthesia)

Intravenous (IV) sedation, also referred to as general anesthesia, is the most potent form of sedation and is typically recommended for oral surgery procedures, including dental implant placement. IV sedation is administered directly into the blood stream so its effects are nearly instantaneous. Because of its strong effects, it requires constant monitoring by a trained anesthesiologist.