Full Arch Restoration Offers A Complete Smile Again

santa rosa implant denturesWhen you lose the majority of your teeth and your smile weakens significantly, this could impact your ability to support a complete smile. But our team can offer full arch restoration, even if you have a weakened jaw. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons provide a full smile again.

The Impact of Total Tooth Loss

Losing all of your teeth could mean a severe limitation on your meal options. You may be forced to subsist on only soft foods, depriving you not only of essential nutrients, but your favorite dishes too. Speaking clearly could be difficult, and you may simply feel embarrassed about your appearance, which impacts your overall quality of life. But with a full arch restoration, our team can address total or near total tooth loss so you can enjoy a complete smile, often in only one visit.


When you lose teeth, the mass and density of your jaw will begin to break down, which can weaken it and limit your ability to relieve dental implants. But with All-On-Four, we have an option that uses smaller dental implants, which are designed to require less structure to support. Once these are in place, they stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to fortify your smile and ensure your new smile can last for decades, possibly even a lifetime. Once the four posts are in place, there is no waiting for the area to heal before we move forward. In the same visit, we will attach a new set of teeth to these implants. Your new teeth will be designed to look natural and absorb daily bite forces, so your new teeth look and function like natural ones, and only take one visit to complete.


We could also offer another option to fully restore the arch of your smile and preserve your facial structure. Instead of four dental implant posts, TreFoil only uses three, and then connect them with a titanium bar. Our team will attach your new teeth to them in the same visit, so again you can leave with a full smile. If you have any questions about how we tackle your advanced tooth loss and offer a complete smile again, and in only one visit, then contact our team today to get started. You deserve optimal oral health and we want to help make it a possibility.

Ask Our Team About Enjoying a Full Smile Again

We want to help you enjoy a full smile again, with results that could last for decades to come. You can then eat your favorite foods, speak clearly, and feel better in social situations. To schedule an appointment with your Santa Rosa, CA, dentists, call our office today at 707-545-4625.