Oral Sedation: What’s This Option All About?

Whether you’re visiting us for dental implants or another oral surgery procedure, you may have reason to select dental sedation. In some instances, this is something you elect to do because dental anxiety affects your comfort level at accessing care for your smile. In other instances, it may simply be an appropriate decision for the procedure you’re about to receive. To provide you some additional information about oral sedation, so you know what to expect, we would like to run you through the essentials.

How You Receive It

You will receive oral sedation in the form of a pill (or sometimes, a liquid). This means that we will not be administering it to you with injections or through a mask. You will be taking the sedative as you take just about any other medicine: You’ll place it in your mouth, swallow it, and you’ll be done! This is very beneficial for individuals who dislike other forms of administration (such as needles).

It’s Strength Level

Simply put, oral sedation is stronger than laughing gas but not quite as strong as IV sedation. You can look forward to feeling very calm and at ease.

Things To Remember

Choosing oral sedation? We encourage you to keep some things in mind when this is your dental sedation option for your visit. The following will clear up some common questions:

  • The medicine will remain in your system for a period too long for you to drive home without assistance; prepare a ride to your home after your visit, so you may arrive safely and then rest.
  • If you want oral sedation but you prefer a customized dosage associated with sedation (or you worry it’s not quite strong enough or will wear off), then remember that we may combine it with nitrous oxide.

Learn More About Oral Sedation At Our Practice

If you’re receiving dental sedation for your visit, remember that we will be more than happy to explain your options to you. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.