Aging And Dental Implants: What’s True?

Do you worry that you are definitely going to end up dealing with tooth loss and a need for dental implants as you age? Are you relieved that implants exist but you wonder if the future is a time inevitably filled with oral health problems that will lead to tooth loss? Perhaps you have other concerns about age as it relates to tooth replacement. Let’s get a head start on covering this issue, so you feel ahead of the game when you see us for your next visit.

Aging Does Not Guarantee Tooth Loss

There’s a very strong but incorrect belief that when you age, you lose your teeth. You should be reminded that every birthday is not a major marker that leads you closer toward missing teeth and the requirement for a replacement like dental implants. The bottom line is that healthy teeth that you’ve maintained will stay put (barring unexpected traumas, of course).

You’re Not Too Old For Implants

Did someone tell you that you’re too old for implants? Don’t let this fool you. Along the same lines of incorrect thinking regarding the expectation that your oral health plummets and you lose teeth due to aging, remember this: Your smile can remain healthy for your whole life, which means you can remain a candidate for dental implants, should you need them, for your entire life!

You Could Be Too Young For Implants, However

Just a quick note: We cannot place implants in growing jawbones. As a result, if a child or teenager requires a dental implant, there may be a waiting period and a need for an alternative until jaw tissue is fully formed. This typically takes place by the age of 18 or into one’s early 20s, depending on the individual.

Learn More About Your Implant Candidacy By Coming In

Set up your consultation, come meet with us, learn all about implants, and discover whether they may be a sound solution for you. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.