Dental Implants And Your Saliva

There are a lot of details you may do your best to keep sorted out to ensure you are protecting your dental implants the best that you can. What’s very easy to forget about, however, is how important it is for your saliva flow to remain steady and for its presence in your mouth to remain sufficient! Otherwise, you may find yourself dealing with problems for which the cause becomes very confusing. Consider some possibilities, so you become a champion of keeping your oral tissues moist!

Having A Chewing Problem?

Do you find that as you chew your foods, it’s not going so well? Before you blame your dental implants and assume something is wrong, we encourage you to remember that if it’s taking quite a while, it may have more to do with your saliva! If you suffer from dry mouth, you are without sufficient saliva to help you moisten, soften, break down, and swallow your food. Check in to see if this is a concern and it may be the answer you’ve been seeking.

Dealing With Bad Breath?

If you find that you are dealing with chronic bad breath that doesn’t go away no matter what you do (and you’re sure you are cleaning your smile thoroughly), it could be dry mouth. This is a sign that you need to whip your oral health back into shape quickly to prevent exposing dental implants or other tissues to the increased potential for decay, gum inflammation, and acid erosion, which occurs with a dry oral environment. Saliva helps keep the area neutral but, when an insufficient amount is present, acidity becomes a serious factor. Need help with this? Let us know.

Protect Your Implants From Dry Mouth Side Effects

When something is off with your smile, remember that we are happy to help you determine the cause as well as a solution. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.