Dental Implants: Things You Just Can’t Do

If you want to have the best experience possible with your dental implants, then it’s important to remember that your success resides in your decision to follow a beneficial path. How should you know how to do this, you wonder? It’s very easy. Follow our guidelines and suggestions and make choices that work in favor of protecting your oral health, rather than against it. Hoping for some examples? We’ve got them!

You Can’t: Skip Your Appointments

You just can’t skip your appointments if you are planning on a successful experience with your dental implants. This is particularly true throughout the first several months to year, during which placement, osseointegration, restoration, and follow-up visits take place. Remember to spend some time thoughtfully considering the journey to ensure you have the time!

You Can’t: Partially Follow Aftercare Instructions

To ensure your smile heals efficiently and well after procedures, it is absolutely essential that you follow aftercare instructions. Remember that we will furnish you with the specific instructions you require, so that you can very easily keep your smile safe, clean, and healthy throughout your experience with receiving dental implants and restorations. If you have questions, you are always welcome and invited to call.

You Can’t: Treat Implants Like Anything But Teeth

Remember that you just can’t treat your dental implants and restorations like anything but your natural teeth. If you start to think of them as invincible, hyper-strong, little superheroes, you may be setting yourself up for disappointment. Instead, don’t expect more of them than natural teeth, care for them like they are natural teeth, and you’ll have a successful experience.

Enjoy Implant Success With Our Help

Remember that you can enjoy success with your dental implant journey by speaking with us about how to make best choices. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.