Quiz: Helping You Get Ready For Implants

Are you wondering how helpful we will be when it comes to your preparing for dental implants? Perhaps you worry that there’s going to be quite a learning curve as you scramble to figure out the details. As you might have hoped, this is not the case at all! In addition to providing you with a comprehensive selection of options for teeth replacement with implants, we also practice with the philosophy of offering streamlined, easy, relaxing care. Not sure you know what to expect but you’re certainly happy to hear we will get you all prepped for your new smile? Try our quiz out for some helpful details.

Quiz Questions: True or False?

  1. True or False: If you need improvement to your smile, we will send you to another practice, particularly for issues like jawbone damage or sinus issues.
  2. True or False: There’s not much you will need to do in order to get ready for dental implants. Just show up and we will fill you on any last minute concerns on the day of your placement.
  3. True or False: If you have remaining teeth in the way of your implant plans, we will simply have to wait for the teeth to become damaged or you may not qualify for implants.

Quiz Answers

  1. False. We will take care of everything under our own roof. Whether you require a sinus lift, bone grafting, or ridge preservation, you will see us for your entire implant care plan.
  2. False. While it’s not an exhausting list of details, you will need to prepare for your dental implant placement. We will furnish you with a complete list of pre-surgery instructions to ensure you are completely ready!
  3. False. We offer dental extractions for teeth that require removal in order to move forward with your dental implant plans. In addition, we offer implant-supported dentures, bridges, and crowns to ensure we can work with your unique tooth loss configuration.

Get Ready For Your Dental Implants With Us!

If you have questions about how to prepare for implants, we are more than happy to guide you through the process! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.