Dry Mouth: Your Oral Surgeon Offers Tips!

You probably know that when your smile is feeling sticky and your mouth feels parched, all is not well in the world of your personal oral health. This is not what you want, of course, whether you’re planning for a procedure, you have dental implants, etc. What you want is a healthy smile that’s comfortable, so you can chew, enjoy your food, speak, and go on with your day without worrying about whether or not your oral tissues are moist enough! Fortunately, before you panic and begin focusing on the complications that can come with insufficient saliva flow, your oral surgeon has simple tips.

Drink Up!

Include more water in your daily diet, that is! Other drinks aren’t going to help, explains your oral surgeon. It’s water that’s neutral, that rehydrates tissues (throughout your entire body), that rinses bacteria from your smile when saliva isn’t doing the job, and that might fix that dry mouth problem quite easily.

Skip Smoking And Vaping

What are you doing that might be drying out your mouth? If you’re smoking cigarettes or vaping, you may be making already somewhat dry oral tissues even drier. Your oral surgeon encourages you to skip this habit to help your mouth regain its moisture (and because smoking is dangerous for your oral and overall health in so many ways!).

Talk With Your Doctor

Check OTC (over the counter) meds that you take. Consider prescription medicines, too. If you think they’re the cause (listed side effects may include dry mouth as a potential issue), then talk over alternatives or solutions with your primary care physician.

Address Mouth Breathing

It’s simple. If you’re breathing through your mouth because of congestion, it’s time to fix it. This may be the problem that you’re facing!

Protect Your Smile From Dry Mouth By Seeing Us

Talk with your oral surgeon if it seems you have dry mouth that won’t clear up. We can help! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.