Happy News After Extractions

When you discover you need a dental extraction, it can leave you feeling a bit emotionally numb (or raw!). We’re not talking about tooth removal for orthodontics or for wisdom teeth. We mean when you have teeth removed because they are damaged or diseased but you end up left with smile openings! What to do next, you will immediately wonder to yourself, curious if life will ever be the same? Actually, it will be. It could even be better, thanks to dental implants!

How Implants Make Life Just As Good

Remember after you receive a dental extraction that life can be just as good as it was before. How? Well, you don’t have to go through life with those spaces. We will fill them by replacing your roots with implants and then replacing the rest of your teeth (the part you can actually see, just above your gum tissue) with crowns or other implant-supported prosthetics. You’ll have your whole smile back, so you’re most certainly back to where you started as for the number of “teeth” in your smile.

How Implants Make Life Better!

When you have teeth extracted because they were damaged or diseased, that means you’ve been relying on problematic, structurally unsound, potentially uncomfortable teeth. You may have been worried all of the time that your teeth were going to break or that the illness was getting worse. Once the teeth are removed and you begin chewing, speaking, laughing, smiling, and more with your dental implants in, you will be relying on structurally sound, strong, stable, whole, exceptional replacements that act like natural teeth! This can certainly make your daily life and your future brighter.

Choose Implants After Dental Extractions

Replace your teeth that you have extracted due to damage or illness with dental implants for exceptional results! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.