Turning The Tables: You Are The One Interviewing Us!

We know that when you’re taking the time to think over dental implants for your smile, there’s a small part of you that feels a little shaky about the whole thing. You know that when you come in to talk with us, we’re going to ask you a bunch of questions about your smile, your needs, your oral health, your health history, whether you smoke, and more! Of course, we ask you questions because we need to determine where you are in your candidacy (and if you need any help becoming an excellent candidate, which is entirely possible). To help you feel a bit less nervous about this introductory part of your experience, our Rohnert Park, CA team encourages you to think about it this way: Remember that as much as we are interviewing you, you are also interviewing us. Take a moment to consider the details.

Ask Us If We Can Provide You With Options For Treatment Costs

You might assume that there are just set costs for dental implants. If you’ve ever looked into those costs, you may have decided right away that they’re just not for you. While we appreciate your feeling about your finances and budget, we do encourage you to go ahead and interview us a bit for additional information! Let us answer your questions about different materials that we provide, different systems, and the resulting differences in potential costs. You may find a more reasonable solution that will work for you (which we are happy to help you figure out).

Inquire As To Why You Should Receive Care From Our Practice

Go ahead! Ask us about the reasons you should choose to receive dental implants from our practice. Most patients think about these things but aren’t always sure how to actually ask about it or bring it up. We will be more than happy to talk with you about what makes us a wonderful oral surgery practice to visit (and we might be able to answer some specific questions you didn’t even realize you had!). Ready to talk with our team? Come in by scheduling a consultation!

Ask Us Every Implant Question On Your Mind

Remember to approach dental implants with us as something you deserve to know everything about. If you have questions: Let us know! Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.