When it’s time to step into our practice to speak with our team of oral surgeons about your decision to consider dental implants, how do you feel? Are you ready to run, rather than coming on in, because you deal with anxiety in regard to just about any type of dental care? Do you feel okay about heading in to learn more but you worry about the day you actually have to show up for surgery to receive implants because it sounds like a big deal? Our Santa Rosa, CA team reassures you that you have nothing to worry about. Did you know that we provide a diverse array of dental sedation options that can help you feel at ease, no matter what? It’s true! Gain an introductory glance into the details with our Q&A session.
Questions and Answers
Question: I know that the usual approach to providing dental sedation for procedures like dental implant placement includes the use of IV sedation. However, this makes me feel very nervous. Is there anything you can tell me that will help me feel better?
Answer: Of course! We encourage you to recognize that we offer not only intravenously administered sedation but also other forms. We are happy to speak with you about alternative options!
Question: I have extremely severe dental anxiety. While the idea of receiving dental implants is, I’m sure, something that causes some nervousness for many patients, I’m also nervous about every other aspect of care! This includes simply coming in for consultation, restorations, and more. Can you help?
Answer: Absolutely. We understand that many patients deal with a serious degree of discomfort when it comes to the idea of following through with smile care, even when it is beneficial. Our team asks that you remember we offer dental sedation in multiple forms not only for comfort during procedures but also to help you feel relaxed during all visits. Speak with us soon!
Question: So, in addition to IV sedation, what other types of sedation do you offer at your practice?
Answer: We also offer nitrous oxide at our practice, which you may know better as laughing gas. It is extremely mild and administered through a mask (you simply breathe it in). We also provide oral sedation. You will take medicine orally that helps you feel very relaxed.
See Us For Comfortable Care Soon
Rather than assuming that seeking oral surgery and dental implants will be too challenging, we encourage you to remember that we are on your side and offer dental sedation! See us soon with question and reassurance. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.