Choosing From So Many Implant Options

Our Santa Rosa, CA team might tell you that your best bet is to either select a couple dental implants to support dental crowns or to select an implant-supported partial. Or, perhaps we offer you a different set of possible solutions that will resolve your tooth loss. When you look at the different treatment paths we have presented you with, you realize that they all sound good. Just when you think one is going to be your final selection, you backtrack and reconsider your thoughts. How to choose, you ask? We can help with simple suggestions to think through.

Think About What Your Future Self Will Think

When you feel like you’re going back and forth between dental implant options in the hypothetical realm, do your best to take a moment to project yourself into the future. Imagine that you have just received one treatment. Then, imagine you have just received the other. What is your response likely to be? Which is most likely to cause you to think, I sure wish I’d just chosen the one I really wanted? Consider this for inspiration.

Ask Yourself What’s Really Best For You Financially

If your budget is part of the equation, then we remind you to take a mindful and realistic look at which dental implant treatment will work best for you financially. It’s easy to ignore your budget for a while until it’s time to really follow through on care. Choose something that will cause you the least stress and the greatest feeling of satisfaction.

Ask Us For Further Information

You might feel like you just need one more opinion, one more fact, or some help with your perspective. Don’t forget that our team of oral surgeons is on hand to help you with this! When you feel like you need some assistance, don’t be shy. Let us know what you’re considering, so we may offer you a fresh way to look at things.

Remember That It Will Be Amazing Either Way

Remember that if you’re having a lot of trouble coming to a final conclusion, no matter what you select, the dental implant treatments we offer all provide you with a complete smile, with wonderful stability, and with a long-term solution that let’s you wave goodbye to your tooth loss. So, sometimes it comes down to trusting your instincts and realizing that all roads lead to something exceptionally beneficial.

Select Implants With Our Team’s Help

Take the time to consult with our team when you are faced with multiple pathways toward smile improvement. Remember that we are always more than happy to discuss the details with you in regard to implant choices. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.