Considering Implants: 3 Ways To Interpret Your Indecisiveness

Suddenly, you realize it: You’re caught within the grips of indecisiveness, even though all signs point to the fact that dental implants would make a wonderful solution for you! So, what do you do now? Should you read into your inability to make that final choice in a negative way? Perhaps you don’t really want them, you think to yourself, and this is how it’s being expressed! While this is a possibility, our Rohnert Park, CA team has seen this before and we have some straightforward ways to interpret the meaning behind your feeling that you’re still not quite certain how to proceed.

#1: A Lack Of Information About Implant Options

The reason you may be feeling indecisive about dental implants may come down solely to the fact that you are lacking information. However, you might not really know what information that includes, so you’re at a standstill. For such a moment, we encourage you to have an additional conversation with us and to simply talk with us about what you know and what you’re feeling. As we talk, the holes in your current knowledge are likely to present themselves. We can then fill them in, so you know everything you need to know to make a confident, educated choice.

#2: A Lack Of Details About All Replacement Solutions

You might know quite a lot about dental implants and the different ways we can approach your smile completion. However, you might feel indecisive because you don’t feel as though you have thoroughly examined and learned about all of your possible replacement solutions. No problem! Ask us questions. Speak with your general dentist about traditionally supported prosthetics. Then, making your final decision will be easy.

#3: A Need For Some Personal Planning

If you’re trying to interpret your tendency toward indecision with dental implants, we remind you that for many patients, it stems less from the implants and more from the personal details. If you have not yet taken the time to sit down to plan out timing issues, scheduling considerations, finances, and more, then this might be holding you back. Let us know if you have any questions, so we may be of help (and the emotional and timeline roadblocks will be cleared)!

Feel Good About Your Implant Decision

Tell us how you’re feeling and whether you require more information if you’re interested in dental implants but you cannot seem to make a final decision! We are happy to guide you and help you feel confident in your choices. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.