Dental Anxiety And Dental Implants

What to do? You really want dental implants. However, you also have dental anxiety. So, you’d love to do something about the tooth loss you have experienced but your nervous system isn’t exactly cooperating with you. We understand. You probably have a hard time following through on even something simple like prevention, so the idea of approaching oral surgery may seem like quite the obstacle. The happy news in this scenario is that we have seen many patients in similar situations at our Santa Rosa, CA practice and are prepared to help you, so you can access the care you need.

Tell Us How You’re Feeling

For starters, the best thing you can do in order to feel like attaining dental implants for your smile is a possibility is to let us know how you’re feeling. Talk with us about your dental anxiety, so we can accommodate you as we help you learn more about implants, the process, what to expect, and how we can replace your teeth in a way that will work for you. Keep in mind that you are amongst millions of individuals dealing with this type of anxiety.

Remember: We Are Oral And Maxillofacial Surgeons!

Keep in mind that you’re not just visiting anyone for your dental implants! Instead, you are visiting a well-trained, highly experienced team made up of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. We meet with all types of individuals who want dental implants, some of whom are relaxed about care and others that feel exceptionally uncertain and uneasy. Helping you feel at ease is something we are quite accustomed to and are happy to do.

Get The Lowdown On Sedation!

Now, for the part that is going to help you feel so much better: We provide dental sedation. That means that whether you need to feel more relaxed during visits or particular procedures involving dental implants, you aren’t going to battle with your dental anxiety, doing your best to feel better on your own. Instead you can look forward to exceptional tranquility that we provide on your behalf! Curious about the details? Let us know.

Remember: Take Things Step By Step

For anyone, whether dental anxiety is present or not, considering dental implants can suddenly feel emotionally overwhelming if you’re feeling the weight of trying to accomplish everything all at once. That’s why we remind you to just take everything one step at a time. We’re here to help you figure out just how to do that, so give us a call!

Relieve Dental Anxiety With Our Care

Remember that you can easily receive dental implants with our team without feeling anxious. Set up a visit with our practice soon to meet with our compassionate team, learn about sedation, and craft a care plan with us. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.