4 Ways To Improve Keeping Implants Clean

One of the very exciting things you learn early on as you consider dental implants and restorations is that maintaining them isn’t going to be a tall order. Instead, you will still be expected to keep up with the usual preventive care suggestions that were provided to you before you experienced tooth loss. With that said, just like individuals with all-natural smiles can find, you may occasionally feel as though you need some help getting on track with keeping your smile and implants in exceptionally clean condition. Not to worry! Our Santa Rosa, CA team can redirect you with simple instructions that will put you back on a path toward an optimally healthy grin!

#1: Get Back To Super Consistent Care

First and foremost, we remind you that with dental implants and restorations (just like without them), you are going to need to get very serious about your dental care at home. What does that include, you ask? Well, it’s all about your dental hygiene. That means brushing and flossing. Remember that if you have been sort of caring for your smile at home, you will likely see the consequences. So, to get back on track for a much better experience, stick to the following:

  • Brush your smile every single morning for two minutes
  • Brush your smile every single evening, too, for two minutes
  • Floss your entire smile one time daily for as long as you need to do a complete job!

#2: Use Dental Hygiene Products You Actually Like

If you’re shaking your head or dealing with some anxiety as you think about your dental hygiene … and it’s because you really don’t enjoy it … we can fix that. Generally speaking, if you have negative feelings, it’s because you need new products or because something is wrong with your smile. If you are dealing with pain during hygiene, contact our team or your general dentist ASAP. If that’s not it, then ask yourself which of your smile care items you can replace, so you actually like this part of your day. Check in on the flavors, texture, sizes, and more of these items, so your experience is a pleasant one.

#3: Ask Us For Help

Keep in mind that if you feel like you’re having some trouble navigating your smile during dental hygiene but you, of course, want to keep your dental implants, restorations, and natural tissues safe, we are here for you! Let us know that you need some advice.

#4: Schedule Your Cleanings And Checkups!

Always remember the professional part of your preventive care, so implants remain safe and sound!

Enjoy Easy Care For Your Implants

Remember that maintaining your dental implants and restorations is easy to do, when you follow through on the basics associated with home dental hygiene and receiving preventive cleanings. Have questions? Just call! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.