You Don’t Need To Second Guess Tooth Replacement

It might not necessarily be which treatment you should choose that’s causing you to feel like maybe you’re selecting care you don’t exactly require. You love the idea of what dental implants and restorations offer! Instead, you may start wondering whether tooth replacement is actually pressing, if it’s essential soon, or if you ever really even need it! Our Santa Rosa, CA team understands all types of hesitation and uncertainty when it comes to doing something about your tooth loss because it’s often a foreign, new experience and one that requires you to take serious action. However, the bottom line is that replacement is absolutely imperative. Let’s talk about why throughout your missing tooth stages.

Right Now: Yep!

Right now, you may feel as though you don’t really need to worry about replacing your missing teeth. Within the world of dental care, there’s something about taking a bit of time to wait that patients generally feel very comfortable with. It often comes with feeling stressed about an issue and then waking up to see that there are no severe consequences just yet. However, we want you to pay close attention to this fact: You won’t see the damage as it’s occurring. That doesn’t mean it isn’t taking place slowly, every day. So, whether it’s tooth replacement or anything else, the best thing to do is always to act with urgency to set up foundation that promotes a healthy smile now and in the future (hint hint).

Within The Next Several Years

Your decision to replace your missing teeth with dental implants will most certainly have a serious impact over the course of the next several years. Remember that when you replace them, you have a complete smile and you have no consequences to worry about. However, to understand the potential impact this choice has, let’s explore what might occur if you decide not to follow through with replacement:

  • Your teeth will eventually show signs of having shifted, which may leave you with additional spacing and poor alignment that will require treatment
  • The serious changes with your bite may negatively impact the health of your jaw joints and may lead to damage to your teeth
  • You may have a more difficult time keeping remaining teeth clean, which may cause problems
  • Your daily quality of life will suffer, as eating, speaking, and your confidence decrease due to open spaces in your smile

Way Down The Line

In addition to the aforementioned concerns, your jaw will deteriorate, as well, which negatively affects support for your entire face. This means a decline in jaw and overall oral health and a prematurely aged appearance. Choose implants!

Replace Teeth For Amazing Results

See our team just as soon as you deal with tooth loss, so we may extoll the many benefits of dental implants and explain what makes replacement such a smart choice. Call our team for an informative consultation! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.