Making Your Implant Placement Comfortable With Sedation

santa rosa dental sedationDental implants require oral surgery to place, but they offer a tooth replacement option that lasts for decades to come. To help our patients enjoy complete smiles again, and ensure the experience of implant placement is comfortable, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons offer a variety of dental sedation options. In today’s blog, we’re going to take a close look at our options!

The Dental Implant Placement

To address missing teeth, we may use digital technology to plan and guide the placement of dental implants into the jaw, where they act as new roots and support a lifelike restoration or prosthetic. If you have lost significant amounts of jawbone tissue due to your missing teeth, then we could employ sinus lifts or ridge augmentation to rebuild the smile and enable it to support one or more dental implants. Regardless of whether your smile is ready for an implant right away or not, oral surgery will be involved in the replacement of your missing tooth. Fortunately, sedation is a great way to ensure you remain calm and comfortable throughout the process.

Our Sedation Options

We have a very mild option with nitrous oxide, which we administer through a mask over the nose. The patient inhales a gas that gives a euphoric and calm feeling, but the effects wear off almost as soon as the mask is removed. For a deeper form of relaxation, a perfect choice for those with anxiety, we may use oral sedation. A pill or liquid is administered prior to treatment, and leads to a deep state of calm. The effects will take time to wear off. For the deepest relaxation possible, we could administer the calming agent through an IV. A trained anesthesiologist will be on hand throughout the process to monitor your vitals. The effects take place quickly, and last throughout the procedure. A friend or family member will need to bring you home afterward. We often recommend this last option for those undergoing dental implant placement or any surgeries to prepare your smile for the placement of dental implants. If you have any questions about our approach to oral surgery or tooth replacement, then contact our team today. Don’t let your anxiety stand between you and a better smile, as we have an array of calming solutions to help you!

Do You Have Questions About Addressing Tooth Loss?

Our team wants to help people enjoy full smiles with a comfortable implant placement. We always take care to ensure our patients will feel calm and relaxed throughout the procedure, and enjoy their time in the office. To learn more about the implant and restoration process, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.