Using Sedation During Implant Placement

santa rosa sedation dentistryMissing teeth could lead to major issues with the health, function, and even the beauty of your smile. To address tooth loss and offer an option that could last for decades, then we could prescribe dental implants. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about how we use sedation as part of the process.

The Dental Implant Process

First, let’s talk about the dental implant placement process. Using digital imaging and surgical guides, we will guide the biocompatible titanium posts into the jawbone. Once there, they bond with the jaw through a process known as osseointegration. This enables the jaw to support them like natural roots, so your new teeth can last for decades to come, or even a lifetime in some cases. Once the placement area heals, we will attach an abutment that extends above the gum line. We then connect the crown, or the visible part of your new tooth, which is designed to blend with your smile. Our team can also support dentures, and in some cases, place the post and attach a prosthetic in only one visit.

Choosing the Right Sedation

To ensure you’re comfortable, we can help you enter a deep state of calm and relaxation, with little to no memory of the procedure at all. First, we look at your age, weight, medical history, and anxiety levels. We then choose the right sedation option for you.

Three Potential Options

Nitrous oxide is a common option that we provide through a mask over the nose. You enter a deep state of calm, and the effects wear off quickly once the procedure ends. You can even drive yourself home in some cases! Oral sedation is given via a pill or liquid before the procedure and offers a deeper state of calm. You may feel groggy and need a friend or family member to bring you home. IV sedation is the deepest option available, and a trained anesthesiologist will be on hand during the procedure to monitor you. For both options, you may need to avoid food and drink in the eight hours before the procedure, and someone will need to bring you home. We will also send you home with detailed aftercare instructions, schedule follow-up visits, and prescriptions for any necessary meditation.

If you have any questions, then give our team a call today to learn more.

Do You Have Missing Teeth?

Our team would like to make sure you’re calm and relaxed as we replace your lost teeth. To learn more about how we address missing teeth and ensure you’re comfortable throughout the process, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.