How Dental Implants Secure Dentures

santa rosa implant denturesWhen you have suffered from advanced cases of tooth loss, this can impact multiple facets of your life. You could be more vulnerable to issues eating and speaking, and you could develop a prematurely aged appearance! But your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about our dental implant dentures.

Taking on Advanced Tooth Loss

Losing most of your natural teeth can lead to major issues, as we touched on above, you could be limited in your meal options, which deprives your body of essential nutrients as you must rely on soft foods. Clear speech could be difficult, which harms your overall quality of life. In addition, the pressure on your smile and jaw joints could mean painful disorders like TMD and bruxism. You could also develop a much older appearance, as the jawbone begins to break down and erode as the body stops sending doses of calcium and phosphorus to the jaw around the missing teeth. But with dental implant supported dentures, we can help!


When you have multiple gaps spread out across your smile, this could be too severe to be addressed with individual dental implants or bridges. But we can create a partial denture, a single prosthetic that contains replacement teeth to fill these gaps all at once. There is an acrylic base that supports these new ceramic teeth, and the prosthetic is custom-made to ensure a lifelike appearance that blends with your smile. We will insert multiple dental implants to connect the prosthetic to, so you have a full smile again and a denture that never slips where you eat or drink. The prosthetic can also last for decades, as opposed to the five to ten years that removable ones can last.

Full Prosthetics

If you have lost most of your teeth, we can extract the last few and take detailed digital images to plan and facilitate the placement of your dental implants, choosing the angles and positions to insert them. If you have lost jawbone tissue due to tooth loss and cannot support dental implants, we can fortify the jaw with jawbone grafting or a sinus lift. Once the placement area heals, we attach the new dentures to your implants and you leave with a full smile that looks natural!


All-On-Four is a unique option that only needs four posts to support a full set of dentures. They require less structure to support them, so you may not need grafting or a sinus lift either! The entire process can be completed in one visit, so you leave after a single sitting with a full smile!

Do You Have Questions About Fixed Prosthetics?

Our team wants to help you enjoy good oral health and avoid the onset tooth loss-related complications! To learn more about our fixed and lifelike dental prosthetics, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.