How Do We Make Smiles Implant-Ready?

santa rosa graftingWhen we lose teeth and don’t see an oral surgeon right away for dental implant placement, this provides a chance for the smile to weaken, which can impact tooth replacement. But our team can strengthen these weakened portions so your smile is ready for tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about jawbone grafting and sinus lift procedures.

The Loss of Smile Density Following Tooth Loss

When we lose our natural teeth, the body will take note of the missing root. In response, the body suspends the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jaw around the missing root. Over time, this causes a breakdown linked to further tooth loss and an older appearance. As the jawbone weakens, this also means that there may not be enough structure to support one or more dental implants, limiting your tooth replacement options. Since they can look and function like natural teeth, and strengthen your jawbone, we want to offer procedures that make your smile implant-ready again!

Ridge Augmentation

The ridge augmentation, also known as grafting, is used for the lower portion of your smile. Our team will essentially add new structures to the lower jaw that strengthens it and make it able to support dental implants. Then once we insert dental implants, this helps prevent further breakdown and keeps your smile and facial structure intact. Our team could add new structures in synthetic or donor forms, or we could take tissues from the rear of your jaw, your hip, or your knee. We plan the procedure in detail with advanced digital imaging, and we will employ anesthesia and sedation to ensure you are comfortable throughout the process.

Sinus Lift

What about the upper jaw? For this area, we don’t add new structures. Instead, we will raise the sinus floor to uncover new structures that can support one or more dental implants. This means your smile will be able to receive dental implants, or possibly even All-On-Four, which provides a full smile with only four dental implants in a single visit, so you leave with a full smile. If you have any questions about how we strengthen your smile with grafting or a sinus lift, or if you want to discuss your options, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence and enjoy optimal oral health again!

Ask Our Team About Preparing Smiles for Implant Placement

We want to help strengthen weakened smiles with oral surgery so they can receive new teeth. To schedule an appointment with your Santa Rosa, CA, dentists, call our office today at 707-545-4625. A full and stunning smile is possible, so reach out to our team today.