How Bridges and Dentures Perform with Dental Implants

Many people who’ve experienced tooth loss rely on a custom designed dental bridge or denture to maintain their healthy smiles and bite function. This is important for many different reasons, including the positive impact it has on helping them regain their confidence in their smiles’ appearance. However, even highly lifelike conventional bridges and dentures have room for improvement. Most importantly, they can often use the help of one or more dental implant posts to provide the same level of support as healthy, natural teeth roots. (more…)

Jawbone Grafting’s Role in Restoring Your Smile

Different oral surgery procedures can address a wide range of concerns with your oral structures, most of which can have complex impacts on several different aspects of your oral health. However, when it comes to the strength, health, and integrity of your jawbone structure, the range of these impacts can often be more significant. As the foundation of your smile, your jawbone needs to be in good health for the rest of your oral structures to enjoy the support that it’s meant to provide. Today, we examine how jawbone grafting may play a substantial role in restoring your smile if this structure is compromised. (more…)

Replacing a Tooth With an Implant Before It’s Lost

After losing a tooth, the need to replace it can be a relatively obvious need. However, in some cases, your dentist or oral health specialist can determine when a tooth is going to be lost and can’t be saved. In such cases, waiting for the tooth to fall out could allow the condition that causes it to grow worse. For the sake of your oral health and restoring your overall bite function, it may be a good idea to remove and replace the tooth before it’s lost on its own. (more…)

When Dental Implants Are the Best Next Step

The term, tooth loss, can seem pretty straightforward at first glance. However, the specifics surrounding your tooth loss and replacement can be vastly different than those of other people, and this may impact the details of your smile restoration plan. For many people who experience tooth loss, the best solution for addressing it is by having one or more dental implant posts placed to restore their lost teeth roots. Yet, this can have different implications depending on the state of your oral health, the presence of a traditional bridge or denture, and other factors surrounding your tooth loss. (more…)

Do You Have to Do Anything to Qualify for Dental Implants?

Losing teeth is a serious concern, but fortunately, recovering from tooth loss isn’t as difficult as it used to be. With today’s highly lifelike dental restorations, including custom-designed dental bridges and dentures, most people can recover their healthy bite function and confidence in their smiles after experiencing tooth loss. With the addition of dental implants, the process of recovering from tooth loss and preserving the health of your smile is even more successful, and qualifying for dental implants can often be easier than you might expect. (more…)

Identifying Your Biggest Risk of Tooth Loss

The good thing about tooth loss is that, for many people, it isn’t as inevitable as they may believe. In fact, most people have a good chance of avoiding tooth loss completely by taking consistently good care of their teeth and oral health. However, that doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk for experiencing tooth loss. People can lose teeth for a variety of reasons, and your risk factors for developing such conditions can greatly impact your overall risks of losing one or more teeth. (more…)

Relying On Dental Implants To Secure Your Dental Bridge

In many situations, a patient receiving a dental bridge will have their restoration secured with the use of two dental crowns, These are located at either side of the actual replacement tooth (or replacement teeth). Once the teeth surrounding a smile gap have been capped, a person can enjoy the stability of a permanent dental restoration. While this can offer many benefits, there are advantages that dental implants provide that a bridge secured with crowns cannot offer. One big benefit to prosthetic work with dental implants is the ability to restore stimulation in your jaw that will help preserve the bone. Another benefit to using dental implants is that your prosthetic work will not require you to put crowns on healthy teeth. At our oral surgery office in the Santa Rosa area, we can talk with you about using dental implants instead of crowns to secure a custom bridge. (more…)

What You Don’t Have to Worry About With Dental Implants

After successfully dealing with any oral health concern, you can ideally stop worrying about it and any potential affects it might cause your smile. The right oral health treatment can help you address most oral health concerns in a way that stops their progression entirely and helps you restore any natural tooth structure or oral tissues that may have been compromised. However, when it comes to tooth loss, replacing the tooth with a conventional restoration isn’t enough to stop all of the impacts to your oral health. Today, we look at how dental implants more fully restore your smile after tooth loss, and how their lifelike support can eliminate many of the concerns that come with more traditional replacement teeth. (more…)

What to Know if You Need Jawbone Grafting

The fact that everyone’s smile is unique can have greater implications than you might realize at first. Not only does it mean that your smile looks like no one else’s, it also means that the oral health concerns you experience and the appropriate methods of addressing them can also be unique to your specific oral health status. For example, when it comes to rebuilding your smile after losing one or more teeth, many people require more than just a custom replacement for the teeth. They may also need one or more treatments to restore their smile’s supportive structures, such as jawbone grafting, in order to support their lifelike tooth replacement. (more…)

The Point of Extracting and Replacing a Tooth

For most concerns that involve the health and integrity of your teeth, addressing the concern typically means preserving as much healthy, natural tooth structure as possible. Doing so improves the long-term state of your oral health, and in many cases, it means avoiding the loss of the tooth. However, in severe cases, saving a tooth might not be possible, and the best thing for your oral health overall may be to extract it. After the problem is removed, we can restore your smile’s appearance, your bite’s function, and your oral health by replacing it with a custom-designed, dental implant-supported restoration. (more…)