Nobody can predict the future, and since tooth loss can be unpredictable, it’s easy to take a not-very-concerned stance towards it. However, while tooth loss may or may not occur, you don’t have to leave your smile’s future up to fate. If you pay close attention to your oral health and take warning signs seriously, you can predict your likelihood of experiencing tooth loss and take steps to help avoid. If it’s too late to avoid it, then we can plan your treatment accordingly to deal with the underlying problem and plan your tooth replacement as soon as possible. (more…)
Enjoying Your New Dental Implants
Dealing with tooth loss is about more than just mitigating the effects that it can have on your oral health. These effects are significant and, if not addressed promptly, they can have serious consequences for your smile, oral health, and quality of life. When you’re considering replacing your lost teeth, it’s important to consider how the restoration you choose can help you restore that quality of life as well as your smile and bite function. For many people who experience tooth loss, the ability to address nearly every aspect of tooth loss often makes dental implants the ideal choice for dealing with it. (more…)
A Brief Look at the Dental Implant Procedure
Preparing to receive dental implants can be an exciting time. After having experienced the consequences of tooth loss, you may be eager to once again enjoy the comfort and confidence that comes with a full and healthy smile. Yet, not knowing what to expect can also cause some anxiety for some patients. With the goal of making your treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible, we can help put those anxieties to rest by guiding you through what the implant procedure entails at our Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgery office. (more…)
When to Decide to Extract and Replace a Tooth
Centuries ago, extracting a tooth that was decaying or damaged was common practice. There weren’t many common options for restoring natural teeth, and the consequences of losing one weren’t as well understood as they are today. Now, however, there’s a solution for almost every dental health concern that can help you restore and preserve your smile without having to remove the tooth. Despite that, there are still cases when a tooth can’t be saved, even with customized, advanced dental restoration. In such cases, tooth extraction can still be the preferable option, as long as you decide to replace the tooth, as well. (more…)
A Few Good Ways to Prevent the Loss of Your Teeth
While everyone’s specific oral health goals are unique, the ultimate goal of addressing them is usually to help you preserve your healthy, natural smile. That includes preventing the loss of one or more that may have been compromised, which helps you avoid the need to replace them with manmade restorations. At our Santa Rosa, CA, office, we not only provide highly lifelike, implant-supported restorations for rebuilding smiles, but can also help patients better preserve their smiles by offering tips for avoiding further tooth loss. (more…)
Using Dental Implants To Provide A Full Arch Restoration
After suffering significant tooth loss, you can be concerned that a full smile restoration might be a difficult, drawn-out process. In reality, we can help you restore your appearance and dental function with a full arch restoration that relies on just four dental implants! Our California oral surgery center can use all-on-4 implants to hold a denture in position. This permanent restoration can give you the confidence to smile and speak with confidence, while also making you more comfortable biting and chewing food. In addition to taking less work, the placing of just four implants to hold your restoration can require less support from your jawbone, making it easier to start planning your care. (more…)
Implant Information: Who Needs to Know?
Considering dental implants is a highly personal decision. Not everyone wants to share the intimate details of their smile with the world at large. One of the advantages of dental implants in Santa Rosa, CA is that not everyone needs to know you have them. Implants can securely hold a natural-looking bridge or denture, so that you can eat, speak, laugh and smile in a comfortable manner. There are some times, however, when you may want to share implant information, for the good of all involved. (more…)
How Dental Implants Help You Save the Rest of Your Teeth
For people who’ve lost teeth and need to replace them, dental implants are a popular solution for many reasons. Most importantly, they replace your lost teeth roots, which give a custom bridge or denture a much higher level of comfort and support. Yet, implants do a lot more than that, and for the sake of your long-term oral health, they can be the most comprehensive tooth replacement option. For example, by replacing your lost teeth roots, they can also help you reduce your risks of losing one or more teeth in the future. (more…)
Would Implants Really Improve Your Bridge or Denture?
If you’ve worn a modern, custom dental bridge or denture for a while now, then you may have gotten used to having a full, healthy smile again. After having experienced tooth loss, that can be a great feeling. However, dental bridges and dentures can only do so much when it comes to rebuilding your smile, and if your bridge or denture doesn’t come equipped with dental implants, then it may be worth considering an upgrade. (more…)
A Look at What Tooth Extraction Really Means
When you first learn that your tooth needs to be extracted, your initial reaction might not be one of relief. On the other hand, the prospect of extracting a tooth (and the fact that it’s necessary) can often seem like a significantly negative development. While it can be, the truth is that extracting the tooth as soon as possible could be the best thing for your smile and oral health. For example, in addition to removing whatever threat the tooth posed to your oral health, extraction can also pave the way for us to replace the tooth with a more durable, highly lifelike, implant-supported restoration. (more…)