Dental Implants: Your “Why Not” Questions Answered

When you get yourself quite pumped up regarding the chance to choose dental implants when tooth loss has occurred, what you may want is all of the information and everything completed right now. However, with implants, it’s not going to be a 24-hour whirlwind that leads to an instantly completed smile. There’s more of a process involved. If to our assertion that you can’t just pop implants into place if you want them and go on your merry way, you ask, “Well, why not?” then it’s probably time we answer some more specific why not questions for you!

You’re Not Ready For Implants Just Yet

“Why not?” you ask. Yes, you might feel ready. You may want them. You may have even spent time figuring out the financial details, so you know you’re financially ready, too. However, your smile may not be ready for them. Here are some reasons why (and remember, we can help you overcome all of them):

  • You have existing disease that requires care, such a periodontal disease or decay
  • You have a problem with your jawbone density and you require bone grafting
  • There are teeth in the way and they require extractions first

You Can’t Just Come In, Get Them, And Head Home

“Why not?” you wonder. Well, it’s because a dental implant is not just something we can quickly plan, insert surgically into your jawbone, and be done with. As we just mentioned, implants require surgery. We must check to ensure you’re prepared and healthy enough for the procedure, we have to carefully map out a plan for placement, you need to have time for surgery, and then the bonding of the post and your jawbone (osseointegration) takes a few months. Then, there are additional steps.

Schedule A Consultation To Learn More About Implants

Remember that when you schedule time to sit down with us to discuss improving your smile and replacing teeth, we have the answers you need and are happy to offer them! Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.