Implant Dentures: Less and More

Dental implants are not new, but until you have a need to replace a missing tooth, or consider the benefits of implant dentures or other implant-supported restorations, you may not have reason to learn about them. There are many ways to learn about dental implant placement in Rohnert Park, CA, and many factors to consider when deciding which implant restoration is likely to be right for you. As you consider, keep in mind some less and more information about dental implants. 

Less Worry When You Smile

If you currently wear traditional dentures you may know that “uh oh” feeling when it seems like your dentures might be slipping slightly, or the meal you have been served is going be a challenge to eat. Unlike traditional dentures, which rely on suction and adhesives to stabilize them, implant dentures are securely attached to posts implanted into your jawbone.

Less Jawbone Loss

Because implant posts (the “roots” of your new teeth!) are integrated into your jawbone, the small vibrations and movements as you speak and chew signal to the body that blood and nutrients need to continue to nourish the area. This lessens jawbone resorbtion, and keeps your face and jaw looking filled out and healthy.

Less Fuss and Care

Once the implant site has healed and the new replacement teeth are in place, implant dentures require the same care as your natural teeth: no more and no less. You won’t need to remove them for special cleaning, or worry about where to store them, or what to do if they get lost or left behind.  You will need to brush and floss around them, and see your dentist about twice a year for checkups and cleanings. But we know you do that already, right?

Get the More from Implant Dentures, With Less Stress

Implant dentures might be the solution you are looking for, with less difficulty and more satisfaction than you anticipate. Schedule the time you need in Rohnert Park, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-584-1630 to schedule your visit today.