Full Arch Restoration With Minimal Implants

santa rosa trefoilWhen you lose most of your teeth, or all of them, then you may benefit from a full arch restoration, which allows us to provide implant-support dentures. But with the Trefoil™ system, we could support an entire arch with as little as three dental implants. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons discuss full arch restoration.

The Dangers of Losing Most of Your Teeth

When you lose all of your teeth, or a majority of them, this could mean major limits on the kinds of foods you can enjoy. You deprive yourself of many delicious options, as well as valuable nutrients and vitamins. Trouble speaking clearly could also result, as could an aged appearance as the lack of tooth roots means the body suspends the flow of key nutrients to the bone tissue. The jawbone loses mass and density, so you look older, suffer further tooth loss, and the strain on your jaw joints could mean painful TMD and bruxism-related symptoms.

Preparing Your Smile

Typically, total tooth loss could potentially present problems for implant placement. After all, you need enough jawbone tissue to support them. Losing mass and density means this may not be possible, so to support multiple implant post per arch, we would need to perform jawbone grafting and sinus lifts to rebuild structure and lay the groundwork for dental implants. But! What if we have an option that is designed to offer a solution for total edentulism, and to do so quickly, without surgery to strengthen the smile?

The Trefoil™ System

With the Trefoil™ option, we insert as little as three specially placed dental implant post per arch. These will stimulate the growth of bone tissues to help them in place and prevent further loss of mass and density. We then connect the post with a titanium bar. In the same visit, we will attach a denture to the bar, offering a compete smile in only one visit. You leave ready to smile, and to enjoy your favorite foods again with a functional and lifelike smile. Your new smile has the potential to last for decades, or even a lifetime, with proper care and attention. If you have any questions about tooth loss, or about replacing your entire smile with the natural-looking and durable Trefoil™ Implant Restoration system, then contact our team today. Our oral and maxillofacial surgeons are ready to transform your smile!

Ready for a Full Smile Again?

We want to help you obtain a complete smile once again with a full arch restoration. To learn more about our approach to implant dentistry, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.