How Do We Ensure A Comfy Implant Placement?

santa rosa implant placementDental implant placement will help address tooth loss, whether minor or extensive. The placement process involves oral surgery, and we take steps to ensure the procedure is a comfortable and relaxing one. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons discuss implant placement and dental sedation.

The Placement Process

Dental implants have a 90% success rate and could last for decades, possibly even a lifetime. They’re also stable, and implant-supported dentures never slip or require removal for cleaning. This is because they don’t rely on suction or clasps to stay in place. Instead, they will be surgically inserted into the jawbone, where the implant post acts as a new root and bonds with the bone tissue. This stimulates the growth of tissue and prevents the breakdown of jawbone structure that often follows tooth loss. We plan and guide the process with advanced technology and surgical guides, ensuring your new root can support a new tooth or denture and stimulate the growth of bone tissue.

Choosing Sedation

As you can see, the process requires oral surgery and that may make some people feel nervous, particularly if they have dental anxiety. However, with sedation we ensure you feel calm and relaxed. We have three options, and the one we choose for you will be based on your medical history, age, and level of anxiety.

Three Different Options

The most common is nitrous oxide, known commonly as laughing gas. This option works quickly and is administered through a mask over your nose. The effects wear off once the procedure ends and you can often drive yourself home.

For a deeper state of calm, we could offer oral sedation. Taken in pill or liquid form prior to the procedure, this offers more serious calming, and the effects take time to wear off, so a friend or family member may need to bring you home.

The deepest option available is IV, and you will be monitored by a trained anesthesiologist the entire time. We often recommend this one for more advanced oral surgeries. The effects again take time to wear off, so someone needs to be on hand to bring you home. With all options, we will send aftercare instructions and prescriptions home with you, and will schedule a follow up visit later. If you have any questions about this process, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Dental Sedation?

Missing teeth can be addressed comfortably with a combination of sedation and implant dentistry. To learn more about how we ensure your health and comfort when we replace your missing teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.