Sometimes A Tooth Extraction Prepares Smiles For Implants

santa rosa tooth extractionWhen you begin to suffer from advanced tooth loss, then you may need dental implants to rebuild your smile and offer optimal results. But to prepare your smile for them, particularly if you have implant-supported dentures, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons may recommend tooth extraction.

When You Need Implant Dentistry

Dental implants are an advanced replacement option for missing teeth. Essentially, a post made from biocompatible titanium is inserted into the jawbone, where it bonds with the structure through a process known as osseointegration. This enables the posts to act as new roots, and allows your new teeth to last for decades to come, possibly a lifetime in some situations. We then connect an abutment to the post, which allows us to attach the crown or a portion of a dental prosthetic, which are custom-made to ensure a lifelike appearance and a durable chewing surface. If you have severe tooth loss, we may suggest implant denture, but we also may need to make sure there is room for them.

The Tooth Extraction Process

If you need full or partial dentures, we will examine your teeth carefully to see if you need them extracted. We can take out the last few so your smile can support a full set of dentures, or remove the particularly diseased or infected ones if you’re receiving a partial. Our team will gather digital images and x-rays of your smile to assess the position of the teeth, and to make sure we avoid blood vessels, nerve tissues, and sinus cavities during the procedure. We then numb your smile and administer sedation to ensure you’re calm and comfortable as we gently remove these teeth with a pair of forceps. Once done, we will wait for the area to heal before moving forward with tooth replacement.

What Happens Next?

Following your tooth extraction and healing period, we will then plan the placement of your dental posts. We could use as little as three to four psst per arch, which means we could secure new teeth even if your jawbone has weakened, due to tooth loss. No need for grafting or sinus lifts in many cases. In fact, in All-On-Four and TreFoil options, our team can insert implants and attach a custom prosthetic in the same visit, so you leave with a full smile! If you have any questions, then give our team a call today.

Do You Have Questions About the Tooth Extraction Process?

We’re ready to help you enjoy a complete smile again with the placement of one or more dental implants. To learn more about our approach to tooth replacement, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.