Securing Dentures With Dental Implants

santa rosa implant denturesWhen you have lost most or all of your teeth, this could impact so many different facets of your life, from your social interactions to your meal options. Which is why we want to offer a complete smile again with a lifelike denture and secure dental implants. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about implant dentures.

The Benefits of Receiving New Teeth

Dentures can provide a full row of new teeth for one or both of your arches, so you can smile with confidence again. In addition, you can speak without complication and also eat a greater variety of food, which helps improve your overall health. In addition, with dental implants securing your new teeth, you can avoid the loss of mass and density in your jaw that follows major tooth loss. Otherwise, your jaw could weaken, which means a much older appearance, with sunken cheeks and even a ptotic chin.

Implant Prosthetics

Our team can use multiple dental implants per arch to support a set of dentures. We insert them at specific angles to ensure they can support new teeth and stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to keep your smile whole and your youthful facial features intact. Being fixed in place means the prosthetics don’t need to be removed for cleaning or soaking, and instead act like natural teeth. Your new smile can last much longer too! While removable options need replacement every five years or so, implant options can last decades or possibly a lifetime in some cases!


Our team can offer teeth in a day with All-On-Four. With this option, we insert just four small posts per arch. These don’t need as much jawbone structure to support them, so people with weakened jawbones can receive implant dentures without the need for grafting or sinus lifts first. We then connect a temporary prosthetic in the same visit, so you leave with a full smile. You can return later for the final prosthetic, but regardless you will never be watthour a full and beautiful smile. As the name says, the entire process only takes one day to complete.


Our office can also support new prosthetics with just three implant posts. After we insert the posts, we connect them with a titanium bar and then attach your prosthetic, so you have a complete smile. If you have any questions about implant dentures, then contact our team today to learn more.

Do You Have Questions About Replacing Missing Teeth?

Lifelike prosthetics that never slip are possible with advanced implant dentistry. To learn more about replacing your missing teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.