Extracting Teeth To Prepare For Implants

santa rosa tooth extractionWhen you have teeth that are diseased and infected, or if you’re ready for implant dentures but have a few natural teeth remaining, then we may need to prepare your smile. Our team can conduct a tooth extraction safely and comfortably. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about tooth extraction and implant dentistry.

When Tooth Extraction Is Needed

We can remove teeth with infection too severe to be treated with a root canal or crown, or teeth loosened by gum disease. Taking these out helps protect surrounding teeth, and provides room for your new prosthetic. If you have lost most of your teeth, then we may need to extract the last few to pave the way for your full set of dentures. Often, tooth extraction is the first step in preparing your smile to receive lifelike and long-lasting dental implants!

Removing Teeth

To get started, we will gather detailed digital x-ray and CBCT images, so we pinpoint the position of the tooth and its root, and plan the extraction in detail. We then numb the area with anesthesia and may recommend sedation to help you enter a calm and relaxed state, so your experience is a positive one, even if you have dental anxiety. Once you’re ready, we will gently remove the tooth with a pair of forceps and suture the area closed. You then return home with detailed aftercare instructions, and will remove sutures in a follow-up visit. Most people return to normal routines in as little as 24 to 48 hours. Once the area heals properly, we will move forward with the placement of dental implants.

Placing New Teeth

Unlike traditional bridges or dentures, dental implants are held in place with their own root structure. We insert a biocompatible titanium cylinder into the jaw, one that looks like a tiny screw. The body accepts it as natural bone structure and the jaw bones with it. The result is a new root that can last decades to come, possibly a lifetime. If you’re receiving fixed dentures, we insert multiple posts in each arch and then attach a denture. With All-On-Four, our team can do this in one visit with just four specially placed posts per arch, so you leave with a full smile during the same visit as your tooth extraction.

If you have any questions about tooth extraction and implant dentistry, or if you want to use your 2023 benefits before they expire, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Removing Teeth

Our team is ready to help you enjoy better oral health, preparing your smile for dental implant placement. To learn more about how we safely and gently extract teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.