How Tooth Extraction Assists With Tooth Replacement

santa rosa tooth extractionWhen you are receiving dental implant dentures, or even an implant-supported bridge, you may have teeth that need to be removed to make room for the prosthetic. In these situations, you need a tooth extraction. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about the tooth extraction process.

When Teeth Need to Be Extracted

Our team will recommend a dental extraction to protect the smile from serious complications. For example, if a tooth sustains damage or develops severe infection and cannot be treated with a crown, then extraction likely protects surrounding teeth from infection too. If a tooth stands in the way of orthodontic treatment or has been loosened by gum disease, then removal is essential as part of your treatment. We could also extract wisdom teeth if they erupt and change the alignment of your smile. But if you’re receiving dental implants and want to address tooth loss, then we may treat teeth to pave the way for the placement of implant dentures or a bridge. This could help you on the path to a full smile and lifelike replacement teeth.

Preparing for Treatment

To get started, we will conduct an examination with digital x-rays and CBCT imagery, so we can plan the treatment in detail and remove the tooth without impacting sensitive tissues, sinus cavities, or blood vessels. These images enable us to make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy, so we can offer optimal treatment for minor and severe issues. We also want to make sure your treatment is a comfortable one, so our team will not only administer a local numbing agent to the area where the tooth or teeth are being removed, but we can also discuss sedation. Dental sedation can come in the form of nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation, or IV sedation, and we will choose the best option for you to keep you comfortable as we remove teeth and place dental implants.

Removing the Tooth

Our team will gently remove the teeth with forceps, and may suture the area closed or administer medication. We then take detailed digital images of the area so we can plan the placement of your dental implants, choosing the right areas, angles, positions, and depth to insert these biocompatible titanium posts.

What Happens Next?

With treatments like All-On-Four, our team can remove teeth and insert dental implants in the same visit. In fact, in that same visit we can also attach your denture so you leave with a full smile!

Do You Have Questions About Implant Dentistry?

Our team can often remove one or more teeth to prepare your smile for implant placement. To learn more about how we gently and carefully extract teeth, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.