Implant Prep: Resolutions To Throw Into The Mix! 

The idea you’ve suddenly got in your head, of course, as the new year approaches is that using this clean slate to prepare for and get going with dental implants is a very good idea! Attached to this notion is the thought that you should probably come up with some serious resolutions, so you follow through and find yourself with a complete, healthy smile by this time next year. Not really sure where to go from here but you’re open to suggestions? Lovely! Our Rohnert Park, CA team has just the ideas you need, so you’re heading down a path toward the smile you want!


Your Smile Doesn’t Define You (But Implants Help!)

It’s true that of course, you are much more than your smile. You are the sum of all of your parts, from the physical to everything that your personality includes! However, regardless of how philosophical you get about who you are, one thing is true: When you are dealing with missing teeth, dental implants can really help. As mentioned, your teeth and your smile as a whole certainly make up one aspect of how you feel about yourself, of your physical state, and of the person you project to the rest of the world. So, with that said, let our Santa Rosa, CA team quickly review why it might be a good idea to get started with implants right away.


Can You Get Dental Implants if You Have Gum Disease?

For many patients, tooth loss is the result of the severe progression of gum disease, a chronic issue that develops when plaque and tartar overwhelm your gum line. In fact, severe gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss, so it’s no surprise that many patients who want dental implants may also have to contend with gum disease first. At our Santa Rosa, CA, dental office, we can help you effectively control your gum disease and prevent it from causing more damage, then help you rebuild your full, healthy smile with an appropriate number of dental implants. (more…)

Implant Interest: 4 Things To Remind Yourself Before You Even Call! 

Good! You’re interested in dental implants. This is a solid start, when it’s time to figure out just what you’re going to do to let tooth loss exit your life, as you allow a tooth replacement and a newly completed grin to enter your life. Once you’re interested, you may guess that the very first step you should take is to call our Rohnert Park, CA team to schedule a visit with us! This is mostly true. However, within those brief moments of time that exist before you pick up your phone, we encourage you to do one more thing! Run through some very beneficial reminders and it will make your experience that much better.


Your Dental Implant Plans: How Can I Weigh My Options?

You’ve got some ideas about what your dental implant plans might look like. We say “plans” because there are different ways to select this form of tooth replacement. This is something that is usually nice (having options) but when it comes to figuring out how to arrive at just the right decision in terms of prosthetic care, well, having options can end up feeling a bit more like a burden. So, what do you do? How can you weigh out these different treatments that are all beneficial in one way or another? Don’t fret: Our Santa Rosa, CA team has the answers.


Holiday Plans: Remember Your Implants Along The Way! 

Of course, when the holiday festivities get going and you find yourself attending parties, sitting down for meals, grazing the beautiful holiday spreads, and more, you’ll feel beyond excited about the fact that you have dental implants in place. Previous holidays that may have been not quite so fantastic (due to missing teeth) are a distant memory and now, you can just enjoy yourself. With that said, our Santa Rosa, CA team encourages you to hold onto that focus for just a bit longer, rather than allowing your implants to be a fleeting thought. Instead, add in a bit of time to consider how to best care for your smile throughout this merry season and you’ll be good to go!


Green Living: Feeling Good About Implants! 

When you’re going along in your life, striving to maintain a green lifestyle, and then suddenly tooth loss becomes part of your narrative, it might throw you for a bit of a loop. How will considering dental implants play into your general philosophy about sustainability, you wonder? Is this going to be something you feel good about or that will prove worrisome? Fortunately, our Rohnert Park, CA practice is happy to point out some ways implants may work within your goal to keep waste to a minimum, while also keeping our environment safe.


What To Do When Tooth Loss Is New For You! 

We see many patients at our practice who are dealing with tooth loss. As a result, some of those patients have dealt with it before, while others are brand new to this oral health concern! If you belong to the latter group of those who have never gone through the process of addressing missing teeth before, then we realize you may feel out of sorts. You have some pressing needs, a whole bushel of questions, and it’s all topped off with a dash of uncomfortable uncertainty and disappointment. While you may not initially feel very sure about your smile, our Santa Rosa, CA team is here with specific actions to take, so you can flush those not-so-good feelings, as you usher in positivity and the certainty that your complete smile is on its way!


Yes, Dental Implants Can Help Protect Your Oral Health 

The more you learn about dental implants, the more you realize they are so full of benefits, you cannot believe it! Yes, they will give you back your smile. They’ll allow you to regain complete function. You will generally forget that you have tooth replacements and instead, may feel as though you simply have a natural smile back. How much better can it get, you ask our Rohnert Park, CA team? Well. To be honest, we are happy to report that implants can also help keep your oral health safe. Curious about how they do this? We’re pleased to share the specifics! Ready for implants? Just call us today.


Don’t Lose Teeth On Halloween: Shocking Risk Factors! 

Happy Halloween! Are you ready for a day and evening full of fun, while you ensure you’re not taking any serious risks that could lead to tooth loss? If you’re quite knowledgeable about smile protection and the like, then you just might be nodding your head! If you’re like many of our Rohnert Park, CA patients who have heard of tooth loss and dental implants but don’t know a lot about avoiding them, then allow us to quickly offer some insightful tips!
