Your knowledge that surrounds your idea of dental implants might be limited if you’re just finding out about them. Even with that said, you may still find that your enthusiasm for them as an option for your smile seems to grow daily. However, you are definitely in need of some basic information, so you can build from there and really learn about the little tiny nuances that may make them a solution for you. To begin? Our Santa Rosa, CA gives you answers to some very frequent who, what, where, when, why, and how answers! For even more information, come in soon!
Implant Myths You Can Seriously Forget About!
As with just about anything that you get extremely excited about, you’re probably going to start hearing some myths (some potentially convincing ones at that) about dental implants. Of course, they will be disappointing and may even start to cause you to doubt your initial enthusiasm and feelings of serious interest in implants! While this can cause you to feel a bit unsure and even defeated, our Rohnert Park, CA team reminds you that any time you hear anything suspect, it’s wise to bring it to our attention! Amongst other things (like providing you with oral surgery), we’re also quite good at setting the record straight!
Implants To Replace Teeth: Positively Impacted “C” Categories
It’s no secret to you that dental implants can have a significantly intense impact on your life! You know that going from not having all of your teeth to having a full smile is a fantastic shift and that there’s something unique and special about implants (namely that they are extremely stable and can last forever). With that said, though, we know that you may not always find it easy to really see just how many parts of your life are positively influenced by selecting implants for yourself. Of course, our Santa Rosa, CA team can help you with that by addressing some “C” categories for you to consider.
What Makes Dental Implants So Compatible With My Smile?
You may occasionally find yourself wondering just what it is about dental implants that tends to make them such a fantastic match for your smile. It may not at first seem logical that implanted titanium posts, upon which we place artificial teeth, would be the most compatible of prosthetic solutions for a complete grin. However, when you take in the big picture, that’s just what you end up discovering! For an easier time connecting the dots, our Santa Rosa, CA team illuminates some of the reasons implants make such a lovely match.
Why Can’t I Just Come In For Implants Today?
You may wonder why you can’t just come in, let us know that you have made the final decision that dental implants are for you, and then receive them. We understand! When you know what you want and you feel exceptionally excited and motivated to reach your tooth replacement goals, you want to get started (and to finish it all up) just as quickly as you can. However, as with any prosthetic care that you may choose for yourself, the process takes just a bit more time than that! Why, you ask? Well, get to know the details a bit more thoroughly as our Rohnert Park, CA team explains.
4 Roads To Tooth Loss You Can Avoid
Of course, our Santa Rosa, CA team is here to help you with dental implants when tooth loss happens to you! However, our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons is always more than happy to help you avoid additional tooth loss (and to help you help others, such as your children and family members) avoid the loss of their teeth. Keep in mind that though there are obvious pathways that can result in missing teeth, there are also not-so-obvious problems that can shock you! Let’s review some of them, so you quickly realize that keeping your oral health in peak condition is the true underlying solution!
Implants: When You Know, You Know!
Sure, it’s what they say about falling in love: When you know, you know! While this usually applies to falling in love with another person, we can’t say it’s far off from something you may experience when you get to know the true beauty of the benefits offered by dental implants. However, you may wonder to yourself, is this really enough? Should you be considering other options, trying to convince yourself to seek out negatives associated with this tooth replacement option, or find some other way to deter yourself from simply moving ahead with implants? Our Rohnert Park, CA team provides some much needed reassurance.
Dental Implants: 3 Times To Stop, Think, And Then Proceed
Whether you’re a very deliberate person or you’re quite impulsive, just about everyone jumps in and moves forward in certain situations without really taking much time to think. Sometimes, this works out perfectly fine. However, when you’re a dental implant wearer and your goal is to keep your smile in as pristine condition as possible, it might be to your benefit to instead stop, think, and then proceed in a variety of instances. Think about some examples shared by our Santa Rosa, CA practice and you’ll find that safeguarding your complete smile requires only a little extra forethought.
Looseness And Your Smile: Things To Keep In Mind
When you’re a kid, you know that a loose tooth is something to get excited about! However, when you’re an adult, you quickly realize that a loose sensation in your smile, whether it has to do with your natural teeth or a prosthetic that you have in place, is generally a bad thing. With that said, you may not know how to follow up such a realization to ensure you’re on the road toward improvements or answers. Our Santa Rosa, CA team, of course, reminds you that we are here to help with your every smile completion need through dental implants (and more), so allow us to help you with this topic!
Unhealthy Gums? Who, Me?
Seeing a bit of blood in your mouth can be a scary thing to contemplate. Unless you accidentally bit your tongue or cheek, it is probably coming from gum tissue. Most of the time it is a situation that comes about fairly gradually, but if not addressed, it can lead to tooth loss. Dental implants from a trusted periodontist is Santa Rosa, CA can restore your smile, but our first choice is to help you keep gums healthy in the first place, so restorative procedures are not needed. (more…)