Your Extraction: Recovery Questions

The process of receiving a dental extraction may be something you know about and something you feel is definitely worthwhile! The benefits, of course, include promoting your best oral health. The thing you may not have memorized just yet might be what happens when you go home after your extraction. Looking for details? Let some questions and answers act as a guide.

Questions and Answers

Question: How long will I be down for the count after my dental extraction? Will I be able to go back to my life as usual?

Answer: The down time depends on the person. Generally speaking, you will likely need to take up to about three to four days to rest before resuming your usual activities. We will speak with you about specifics when talk with you about your upcoming procedure.

Question: How will I manage any swelling or pain after my procedure? Is it very uncomfortable to have a dental extraction?

Answer: The procedure itself is completely comfortable! Fortunately, managing swelling and pain is easy as well. You may rely on ice packs to help you reduce swelling. Keeping your tissues comfortable will usually require the use of ibuprofen. While it is not always necessary, you may also be prescribed a narcotic for additional relief.

Question: Will I be able to eat after my dental extraction?

Answer: Yes! However, you’ll need to stick to liquids and cool, soft foods for the first week or so. As your mouth continues to heal, you will be able to reintroduce foods and then resume your usual diet. Keep in mind, during this time you will also need to protect the clotting by avoiding the use of a straw, by avoiding sucking, and by avoiding spitting. Not to worry! It’s easy to accomplish.

Ask About Recovery Tips For Extractions

Remember that making your way through easy, comfortable recovery after your extraction is absolutely possible, provided you follow our instructions. Schedule the time you need in Santa Rosa, CA by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery at 707-545-4625 to schedule your visit today.