How Dental Implants Address A Missing Tooth

santa rosa dental implantWhen you have an individual missing tooth, you could receive a bridge. But our team could also offer an alternative to a traditional bridge with an individual dental implant, which can last longer and preserve your jawbone structure in the process. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about how we secure a dental implant and crown to replace a single lost tooth!

The Impact of a Missing Tooth

When we lose a tooth, this gap could be a source of embarrassment. But the gap could also allow the surrounding teeth to drift from position, a complication that causes misalignment and an increased risk of tooth decay and gum disease. The changes to your smile’s alignment and the pressure on your bite balance could also make the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding) much higher as well. The body will also stop sending doses of calcium and phosphorus to the area around the lost root, which causes the jawbone to lose mass and density, a complication linked to further tooth loss. But an individual dental implant and crown can help prevent these complications from arising!

Placing the Dental Implant

First, our team will need to insert the new root: the dental implant. The post is made from biocompatible titanium and designed to be accepted by the body as natural root structure. The bonding process means your new implant can stay in place for decades to come, sometimes a lifetime. Your new tooth can act like a natural one, and help you smile with confidence for years to come. We will carefully plan the process with advanced imaging technology, so we can choose the optimal position, angle, and depth for the post. Our team will also ensure your comfort during the placement process with anesthesia and sedation, so even if you have dental anxiety, you enjoy a positive and comfortable experience in our office.

Attaching a Dental Crown

Once the post is in place, we will need to wait a bit for the placement area to heal. Once this happens, we will connect an abutment to the post that extends above the gum line. We then attach the crown, the part people will see when you smile, made from durable porcelain material. The crown will be able to handle daily bite forces with ease, and offer a natural looking appearance that blends with the smile too. If you have any questions about dental implants and crowns, then contact our team today.

Do You Have Questions About Tooth Replacement

Our team wants to help you obtain a full smile again! To learn more about how we address an individual missing tooth, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.