Losing a tooth could be serious trouble for your oral health, and even lead to additional missing teeth. To prevent these complications and boost the beauty of your smile, we could secure a dental implant and crown. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about addressing lost teeth.
Category: Dental Implants
Placing Your Dental Implant Dentures
When you have most of your teeth missing, this could complicate how you eat and speak, and even lead to an aged appearance. To secure a set of dentures that are fixed in place and last for years to come, we could support them with multiple dental implants. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA,… Read more »
Supporting Dental Bridges With Durable Implants
A dental bridge is a great way to offer a durable and lifelike solution to multiple missing teeth. For a long-lasting option that protects your smile’s stability, we can attach them to one or more dental implants. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about our dental implant bridges.
Filling The Gap With A Dental Implant And Crown
When you lose only one tooth, this is still a major cause for concern. The gap in your smile could lead to serious complications with time, including further tooth loss. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons explain how we fill the gap with a dental implant and dental crown.
Keeping Dental Implant Placement Comfortable
When you have missing teeth, we want to offer dental implants to help keep your smile whole, with new teeth that last for decades to come. But how do we ensure this oral surgical procedure is a comfortable one? In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons discuss the use of dental sedation.
Supporting Your Partial and Full Dentures With Dental Implants
In our last blog we discussed supporting dental bridges with dental implants. But what if you have more advanced cases of missing teeth? In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons discuss how we support partial and full sets of dentures with multiple dental implants, so you enjoy a complete smile again!
Dental Bridges With Dental Implant Support
When you have minor gaps in your smile that require more than one individual dental implant, then we may recommend a bridge. We take steps to ensure a proper fit and a lifelike appearance, and longevity by securing them with implant dentistry. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about our implant… Read more »
How Do We Ensure A Comfy Implant Placement?
Dental implant placement will help address tooth loss, whether minor or extensive. The placement process involves oral surgery, and we take steps to ensure the procedure is a comfortable and relaxing one. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons discuss implant placement and dental sedation.
Implant Dentures On Only Three Posts!
We’ve talked about how we support a full set of dentures on only four dental implant posts, but did you know a full set could be supported with just three? The Trefoil™ system is a great choice for people who have lost mass and density in their jawbone, and don’t want to undergo bone grafting… Read more »
An Implant And Crown Can Replace A Missing Tooth
When you lose a single tooth, this could still mean serious trouble for your smile. To replace the lost tooth, we could recommend a dental implant and crown. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons will discuss how we plan and guide the placement of an individual replacement option.