Tooth Extraction And Dental Implants

santa rosa extraction and implantsOften, tooth extraction and dental implants are related. Perhaps we’re preparing your smile for a new set of dentures, or may we want to fill the gap once a tooth is taken out. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons will talk about how we safely and comfortably perform a tooth extraction.

Preparing for Implant Placement

When you have teeth that have become severely infected or diseased, they could be loose and also threaten to spread infection to surrounding teeth or to the jawbone itself. We could extract these teeth to protect the rest of the smile, and could then replace them with dental implants. In addition, if you’ve lost a significant number of your natural teeth, you may have a few remaining ones that need to be removed to make room for a set of implant-secured dentures, providing a full and stable new smile.

Restoring a Smile With Gaps

When we place dental implants, we plan and guide the process with digital scanning technology and x-rays. We want to ensure the placement area avoids sinus cavities and nerve tissues, and that the new root is able to support a crown or prosthetic, and stimulate the growth of jawbone tissue. The implant posts, acting as a new root, could last for decades to come. We then attach an abutment that could secure a dental crown or possibly a bridge or denture! With implant dentistry, we’re replacing teeth with a prosthetic designed to last for decades, possibly even a lifetime, allowing you to enjoy new teeth that function and look like natural ones.

Ensuring Your Comfort

How do we ensure you feel comfortable during the extraction and implant placement process? First, we will administer a numbing agent to the areas where extraction will occur. Then we will provide dental sedation. We have three options available, from nitrous oxide to IV, to ensure you remain calm and comfortable. The extraction process usually takes about 30 minutes to complete, and will provide aftercare instructions as the area heals. We use the same sedation options to help with the placement of your new teeth as well.

If you have missing teeth, or persistent pain in one or more of your natural teeth, then contact our team today. We will examine your smile and create a treatment plan to improve the function, health, and beauty of your smile.

Do You Have Questions About Tooth Removal?

We would like to help preserve the health and beauty of your smile with oral surgery. To learn more about the process of tooth removal and our replacement options, then schedule a consultation by calling Santa Rosa Oral Surgery in Santa Rosa, CA, today at 707-545-4625.