When you talk about considering a change for yourself, a phrase that may come up includes the act of “making room.” When it comes to just about any major shift, including selecting dental implants, this mindset applies. Do you have room in your life for implants at the moment and, if you’d really like to… Read more »
Category: Dental Implants
Dental Implants: The Easy Way Vs. The Hard Way
Who loves doing things the easy way? If you’re raising your hand (or are at least thinking that this certainly sounds good), then you probably prefer the easy way over the hard way, like most people! However, when the topic is considering and choosing to select dental implants for your smile, you may not realize… Read more »
Autumn And Winter Hydration: Implant Protection You Need!
Yes, we definitely understand your shock when we bring up your hydration during autumn and winter. You may think to yourself but it doesn’t even get that cold! Or, but there must be something more pressing to consider for implant protection! We understand why you might have such thoughts, which is why our Santa Rosa,… Read more »
Your Missing Tooth: Problems It May Cause!
You have lost one tooth. As a result, you have been referred to our oral and maxillofacial surgery practice (or you have discovered us on your own) and may have spent some time looking through our website. You see that we can replace that one tooth with a dental implant, which we can then restore… Read more »
Implant Services: What’s This Really Mean?
You know that our Santa Rosa, CA team provides you with dental implant services. In a vague, general way, you know that this means we can help you move on from the tooth loss you have experienced, as we provide you with implants. However, you have realized that there’s more involved in this process but… Read more »
Implants Don’t Require Justification: Here Are The Only Reasons Needed
There may be something about considering dental implants that causes you to feel as though you need to justify your decision. You might feel like you owe yourself justification for choosing to invest in them. You may feel as though the people around you are going to require some sort of explanation! However, once you… Read more »
Implants: When The Answer Is YOU
When you deal with tooth loss, you may find that you feel a bit like you don’t have much control over things. One moment your smile was complete and now it isn’t, which can make it seem like things have been happening to you. It’s not the nicest feeling in the world, particularly when you… Read more »
Things That Dental Implants May Teach You
It’s certainly no secret that when you lose teeth, you need to snap into action to do something about this dilemma. You know that there’s going to be just a bit of a learning curve, as you start to investigate details about dental implants, which may be a brand new topic to you! While you… Read more »
You Don’t Need To Second Guess Tooth Replacement
It might not necessarily be which treatment you should choose that’s causing you to feel like maybe you’re selecting care you don’t exactly require. You love the idea of what dental implants and restorations offer! Instead, you may start wondering whether tooth replacement is actually pressing, if it’s essential soon, or if you ever really… Read more »
Tooth Replacement: 3 Things To Do ASAP For A Happy 2020
At some point, usually around the time the fall season begins, our collective trajectory becomes all about the end of the current year and the start of the new one headed our way! So, depending on what’s going on in your life and your priorities, you will certainly find that this time of year shines… Read more »