When we lose teeth and don’t see an oral surgeon right away for dental implant placement, this provides a chance for the smile to weaken, which can impact tooth replacement. But our team can strengthen these weakened portions so your smile is ready for tooth replacement. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about jawbone grafting and sinus lift procedures.
Removing Teeth That Have Been Damaged
Your Santa Rosa, CA, dentists will do their best to restore your teeth if they have been harmed by decay, infections, or other common oral health problems. Unfortunately, though, there are times when it is not possible to recover your pearly whites, and it may be a better solution to remove them and protect your smile. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about the benefits of tooth extractions.
How Sedation Makes Implant Placement Comfortable
When you have lost a tooth, or several, then you need dental implants to restore function, health, and beauty to your smile again. But we know that sometimes the idea of oral surgery can make people feel anxious. Which is why your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons provide dental sedation!
How We Plan Implant Placement With Digital Tech
Dental implants can address minor or even advanced tooth loss, providing new teeth that look and function like natural ones. To ensure we place them with precision, so they can last for decades to come, we will use advanced technology. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons talk about planning placement with digital x-rays and more!
Dentures With Just Three Dental Implants
When you have lost your teeth, your jawbone can weaken and not provide enough structure to support traditional dental implants without oral surgery, such as grafting or sinus lifts. But! With the Trefoil™ dental implant dentures, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral surgeons can secure a new smile with just three dental implant posts!
Providing Patients A Full Arch Restoration
When you have lost the majority of your teeth, this could cause your smile to weaken and lead to an older appearance. To avoid this and keep your youthful features intact, you need to address your missing teeth. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about the full arch restoration process.
How Dental Implants Secure Dentures
When you have suffered from advanced cases of tooth loss, this can impact multiple facets of your life. You could be more vulnerable to issues eating and speaking, and you could develop a prematurely aged appearance! But your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about our dental implant dentures.
What Makes Implant Bridges Last?
We can do more than just place an individual dental implant to address tooth loss. If you have a larger gap in your smile, we can support a bridge that looks natural and lasts far longer than traditional options. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about the benefits of our dental implant bridges and taking on your tooth loss.
How Dental Implants Address A Missing Tooth
When you have an individual missing tooth, you could receive a bridge. But our team could also offer an alternative to a traditional bridge with an individual dental implant, which can last longer and preserve your jawbone structure in the process. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about how we secure a dental implant and crown to replace a single lost tooth!
Strengthening Your Smile’s Foundation With Grafting
When you suffer from tooth loss, dental implants can offer a full smile again. But before we proceed, we may need to strengthen the weakening foundations of your smile. In today’s blog, your Santa Rosa, CA, oral and maxillofacial surgeons talk about the benefits of jawbone grafting and sinus lift procedures.