With the unique ability to reconstruct the roots of lost teeth, dental implants offer a wide range of benefits for your immediate and long-term oral health. Like all dental treatments, however, your oral health specialist will make sure that you thoroughly understand the process of receiving dental implants, they’re overall benefits, and what you can expect. If you have more questions, then we encourage you to ask them before you opt to receive dental implant posts. (more…)
3 Ways To Think Of Dental Implants
At first glance, you know that dental implants will let you replace your teeth. However, if you’re not yet capable of thinking of them in a more multidimensional light, you may have trouble quickly conjuring up their benefits in your mind. The result? Trying to choose implants over other prosthetics for your missing teeth can become tiresome. We encourage you to begin thinking of implants in a variety of different lights, so you can quickly recognize the many ways they can help and protect your smile.
How Implants Fix Chewing Problems
You know that when you chew your food, it should feel just fine. For the majority of your life, this was a function that was simply second nature and that you never really thought about much. However, when an oral health issue affects your teeth, you may find that you have chewing problems. Did you know that in certain cases, choosing dental implants for your smile can fix the problem, so you can return to a life in which chewing is no problem at all? Let’s talk details.
Dental Implant Tips: Getting Ready For Your Consultation
You may have a lot of things racing through your mind as you prepare to come in to see us for a dental implant consultation. You’re likely hopeful that we can steer you in the direction of a solution that will make you smile (a beautiful smile) with ease. It’s also highly likely that you’re full of questions, a few doubts, you’ve heard some things from friends that you’re not so sure about, and more. To help you feel ready and confident for your visit with us, we have a few tips for you to run through!
Quiz: Helping You Get Ready For Implants
Are you wondering how helpful we will be when it comes to your preparing for dental implants? Perhaps you worry that there’s going to be quite a learning curve as you scramble to figure out the details. As you might have hoped, this is not the case at all! In addition to providing you with a comprehensive selection of options for teeth replacement with implants, we also practice with the philosophy of offering streamlined, easy, relaxing care. Not sure you know what to expect but you’re certainly happy to hear we will get you all prepped for your new smile? Try our quiz out for some helpful details.
Your Oral Surgeon Answers Common Questions
There are oh so many questions that pass through the lips of our patients. As you might imagine, some are unique and others are very common. Since the unique inquiries are things you’ll need to ask in person, we encourage you to get some basics sorted first out by considering information patients frequently ask of our oral surgeon team.
Dental Implants And Your Saliva
There are a lot of details you may do your best to keep sorted out to ensure you are protecting your dental implants the best that you can. What’s very easy to forget about, however, is how important it is for your saliva flow to remain steady and for its presence in your mouth to remain sufficient! Otherwise, you may find yourself dealing with problems for which the cause becomes very confusing. Consider some possibilities, so you become a champion of keeping your oral tissues moist!
Implants, Yes…Dentures, No?
You know that you are happy with the idea of dental implants to replace teeth because of the exceptional list of benefits they offer your smile. You can place them and then, essentially, almost forget about them! As long as you keep your smile safe, healthy, and clean, all will likely go well and you’ll have the implants forever. As for choosing to restore your implants with dentures, well, you might not feel quite so certain. What is it that’s causing you to smile upon crowns for single implants but to doubt dentures? We’d like to shed light on some details you may be overlooking.
Your Oral Surgeon Suggests: Consider Life Without Treatment
When you find that you’re going back and forth in regard to following through with oral surgery, you may need a bit of a nudge in the right direction. Of course, when we suggest surgery for you, we are team treatment, if you will. The last thing we want is to find that you chose to avoid the care you require, leaving you with unpleasant side effects. Instead, we want you to enjoy exceptional oral health and to thrive! As a result, your oral surgeon suggests thinking about what your life might be like without treatments to gain a clearer perspective.
Your Oral Surgeon Explains: Things You Just Didn’t Know!
It’s very easy to get a bit down on yourself when you end up requiring oral surgery. You may wonder how your jaw became damaged and why you didn’t know how to protect it. You may wonder how your teeth became damaged and why you didn’t know how to stop tooth loss before it happened. At our practice, of course, your oral surgeon suggests looking on the bright side of things. Focus on the fact that we can help you with all of these concerns! Of course, for the time being, consider some reminders: There are simply some things you likely didn’t know until now!