Are you having problems with some of your teeth, the degree of which suggests dental extractions and tooth replacements are your best solution? If so, you may have heard us mention ridge preservation as a means of keeping your jaw prepared and safe throughout your smile journey. For a better understanding of what it is and its purpose, your oral surgeon would like to offer an introduction.
Dental Implants: How Do You Get It Right?
When you think about what it takes to have dental implants placed within your smile, you may start to wonder how on earth with get it right. Everything must be just so, placed in the right location at the correct angle. Is it just a matter of thoughtful placement or is there a lot that goes into it? We’re happy to explain.
Aging And Dental Implants: What’s True?
Do you worry that you are definitely going to end up dealing with tooth loss and a need for dental implants as you age? Are you relieved that implants exist but you wonder if the future is a time inevitably filled with oral health problems that will lead to tooth loss? Perhaps you have other concerns about age as it relates to tooth replacement. Let’s get a head start on covering this issue, so you feel ahead of the game when you see us for your next visit.
3 Things You Didn’t Realize Place Implants At Risk
You feel like an A+ student when it comes to protecting your dental implants. You brush your smile and floss, just like we’ve instructed and shown you. There’s never a dental checkup or cleaning that goes by without you showing up right on the dot. You even schedule visits if you think something isn’t quite right. So, what could you possible be doing to place your implants in harm’s way, you might wonder to yourself? Just to be on the safe side, we have collected some examples to keep you on your toes!
An Introduction: The Implant System We Use
At our practice, we provide patients with dental implants using The Straumann Dental Implant System. Why does this matter, you might wonder to yourself? Aren’t all implants essentially the same thing? While they are all placed with the similar goal of completing your smile, they are not all identical! Take a moment to learn more about why we offer this superior system, replete with unique features that will help you feel even more confident about choosing implants.
Your Implant Journey: Let Your Phone Help You
Have you already begun your journey with us that includes receiving dental implants? If so, congratulations! If you’re just starting out, we have a very helpful suggestion for you to make things as easy as possible: Let your phone help you. Your cell phone, that is! When you include a bit of technology into the mix (particularly if you have your phone on hand at just about every moment), then you can more easily keep track of the details.
Why Bother If It Isn’t An Implant?
As you’re becoming more interested in and familiar with dental implants, you may be struck by a sudden thought: Why doesn’t anyone who needs tooth replacement choose implants? They seem like the best choice all around. Is there something you don’t quite realize about these prosthetics yet? Perhaps some hidden catch? The truth is, it’s all about personal health, preferences, budget, and more. Get to know a couple less obvious reasons why some of your friends may choose implants while others do not.
Suggestions: Dental Implants And Vacation
Vacationing when you have dental implants is not a big deal, so don’t immediately worry that you’re in for a complicated journey! However, much like traveling in general means you need to do some prep work ahead of time to ensure you have everything you need, the same is true if you have implants in place of missing teeth in your smile. Let’s talk about the things you can do to make sure your business trip, vacation, etc., is a fun one free of worries about your grin.
Implant Placement: Why Time Matters
If you have been recommended for tooth extraction, or if you have recently had a tooth removed, you are probably wondering “What’s next?” It might seem like watching and waiting is a good idea, to see if you can learn to love the new space in your mouth, and if it really matters. In fact, your oral surgeon will want to discuss the implant placement timeline with few delays. Ridge preservation is an option, when implant placement will be delayed. In either case, you are on your way to a restored smile. (more…)
Extractions: Getting To The Important Stuff
You might think that when your tooth is severely damaged or you need a root canal that the best choice is simply to immediately contact us to schedule a tooth extraction instead. Or, you may be the type of person who learns you need an extraction to help you make it through effective orthodontic care and think to yourself, “There’s no way I’m doing that.” Then again, you may be somewhere in the middle of that spectrum. To help you gain a better understanding of removal, we offer up important explanations.