It might not necessarily be which treatment you should choose that’s causing you to feel like maybe you’re selecting care you don’t exactly require. You love the idea of what dental implants and restorations offer! Instead, you may start wondering whether tooth replacement is actually pressing, if it’s essential soon, or if you ever really even need it! Our Santa Rosa, CA team understands all types of hesitation and uncertainty when it comes to doing something about your tooth loss because it’s often a foreign, new experience and one that requires you to take serious action. However, the bottom line is that replacement is absolutely imperative. Let’s talk about why throughout your missing tooth stages.
Tooth Replacement: 3 Things To Do ASAP For A Happy 2020
At some point, usually around the time the fall season begins, our collective trajectory becomes all about the end of the current year and the start of the new one headed our way! So, depending on what’s going on in your life and your priorities, you will certainly find that this time of year shines a spotlight on any smile-related needs! For instance, our Rohnert Park, CA team asks: Do you need to replace missing teeth with dental implants? If so, we are happy to suggest a handful of things you should do as soon as you can for a very happy 2020!
Your Implants And Halloween: Quick Reminders!
There are quite a lot of serious, clinical, and complex details that may come into play throughout your experience with considering and receiving dental implants. However, now you have them. Your smile is complete. Things are good … but Halloween is headed our way! While it may certainly seem like a very simple challenge at first glance, you may realize the more you think about it that you’re not entirely sure how to approach this creepy crawly holiday while feeling relaxed and resolved that you’re keeping your implants safe. No problem. This is where our Santa Rosa, CA team can swiftly come in to help with holiday reminders!
Adult Patients: Aren’t I Just Too Young For Dental Implants?
You may feel as though you’re simply too young for dental implants. In fact, you may find yourself looking around, feeling as though you are simply too young to require tooth replacements, so you are having trouble proceeding. You wonder: Is our Santa Rosa, CA team sure you belong to the group of people researching options like implant-retained crowns and dentures? Here’s the good news and the very enlightening news: Finding yourself in the midst of experiencing tooth loss (as you find ways to repair this concern) has nothing to do with your age. As for the fact that you’re feeling as though the opposite is true, some simple information should help you feel much more at ease!
Jawbone Grafting: To Choose It … Or Not To Choose It?
Let’s say you come in for an implant consultation with our friendly team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. You have missing teeth and you are interested in dental implants! As we get to know you, one of the things we explain is that while you will be able to qualify in the future for implants, you will first need jawbone grafting in order to become a candidate! You wonder: Should you do it? Should you decide against it? Why go one way or another? For some immediate guidance, our Rohnert Park, CA team poses helpful answers to frequently asked questions!
When You Want Implants: Hello, Desire And Intuition!
Our Santa Rosa, CA team talks a lot about taking a very logical approach to selecting dental implants for yourself because we know that it’s a big deal. You’re considering oral surgery, a multi-month process, and these implants and restorations are going to be with you for an exceptionally long time. For patients who tend to feel overwhelmed by such details, relying on emotions is not necessarily the best decision-making tool. However, what if you don’t have any big reservations? What if you just really like the idea of implants, you wonder? Are you doing something wrong? The answer: Probably not. Let’s talk about it!
Lots Of Missing Teeth? Choose Dental Implants.
We know that you may guess, when you are missing a lot of teeth, an arch of teeth, or both arches of teeth, that this is not something that is treatable with dental implants. You don’t know why you think this exactly but there’s something that tells you implants are really just for a missing tooth or two. Our Rohnert Park, CA team understands that you end up with a medley of facts mixed with a bit of misinformation (or an assumption or two) and before you know it, you’ve got some not-so-accurate ideas about implants. The good news? In actuality, you are likely a fantastic candidate for our care! Learn more.
3 Ways Implants Offer A Big Sigh Of Relief
While you may not expect it, when you decide on dental implants and prepare to move forward, this choice may provide you with one exceptionally big sigh of relief. Why is this the case, you might wonder? Well, from our Rohnert Park, CA team’s perspective, it’s simply the fact that you don’t recognize just how much effort you’re putting into handling and solving your missing teeth, how heavy the decision can feel, and how seriously you want things to just be “all better” already! Feeling like you can definitely connect with this? We thought so! Consider some specific ways implants can help you feel content, if you’re still making your final selection.
Budget And Implants: Very Important Things To Remember
It’s easy to feel as though your budget is going to limit you too severely, when you’re debating whether or not to move in the direction of choosing dental implants for your smile. If you think that you are alone in thinking this, remember that you’re in very good company! However, before you shut the door on implants or feel as though finances are too touchy a subject to bring up at our Santa Rosa, CA practice, we ask you to think again! Implant options are actually quite vast, we happen to be very good at helping you with exploring cost options, and we have some additional details for you to keep in mind!
Why We Want You To Be Inquisitive About Implants
You may have the idea that we would prefer it if you would come in to our oral and maxillofacial surgery practice, agree to dental implants, ask no questions, and head home. However, this is actually not the way we prefer for your implant consultation or follow up visits to go! Instead, we encourage you to be inquisitive! Why, you wonder? Doesn’t that slow things down and cause our Rohnert Park, CA team to work extra hard? Well, we enjoy putting forth effort to ensure your smile becomes the exceptionally healthy and lovely feature you deserve and want! As for some additional details…