You’ve heard a lot about the fact that you may be able to see some serious improvement with your smile soon because your dentist has suggested oral surgery. This sounds good, of course, because a smile that’s in excellent condition is always a beneficial state to enjoy. However, whether you’re planning on receiving implants, you need teeth extracted, or you require another type of procedure, you might wonder just what this type of care improves. Is it good for just one particular facet of protecting your oral health, you wonder? Fortunately, a handful of helpful categories will be of assistance.
Pressing Questions: Implant Dentures And Implant Posts
Choosing to replace an arch of teeth with an implant-supported denture is something that will be met with our approval, a lot of benefits, and the promise of a future with a smile that continues to provide you with the beauty and support you deserve! While all sounds well and good upon presentation, you may wonder what’s really going on when it comes to the nuts and bolts (or the actual dental implants and empty sockets, to be exact) of this treatment. Responses to common questions about the way implants support a full denture should give you the behind-the-scenes info you’d really like to have!
Your Implant And Crown: 3 Things It Won’t Cause
When you decide that you think a dental implant and crown is the best way to go about replacing your missing tooth (or you choose to replace multiple missing teeth with single implants and crowns), you may not realize just how many potential problems you’re sidestepping. What do we mean by this? Well, you have elected not to use a bridge and not to use a partial. These devices, though beneficial and effective in replacing teeth, bring with them some potential side effects that you do not have to worry about with implants. If you would love additional reasons to follow through with implants, then allow us to help!
Reconsider Implants: Fixed Replacements Offer Serious Advantages
Perhaps you spent a moment thinking about dental implants for your smile in the past. However, you decided against them, followed through with prosthetics supported in the traditional way (relying on your mouth’s own tissues as the framework for support), and now you know just what these devices are like. Are you perfectly happy with the results? If not, it may be time to reconsider implants.
Don’t Ignore Your Bite Problems
If you have gone through the experience of receiving a tooth replacement like a dental implant with us, then you know it’s extremely important that your bite is balanced beautifully once the replacement is complete. This means that when you close your teeth together, top and bottom teeth sit within one another comfortably. If your bite balance is “off,” after the placement of a prosthetic or restoration, then there may be a problem with the design, damage may have occurred, etc. While you may feel the urge to simply ignore bite problems if they happen to you, we strongly advise you to see us should they crop up. Find out why.
What You Should Know About Dentures!
You may have some negative ideas about dentures. When you hear someone talk about implant dentures, you lump this information in with the rest of the knowledge you have (which is based entirely on traditional denture support), and you may end up missing out on the chance to learn about this very different tooth loss solution. Before you decide once and for all that anything with the term “denture” in it is absolutely not for you, take some time to find out what makes dentures supported with implants so unique and beneficial for those replacing missing teeth.
Extractions: The Simple Questions You Think Nobody Else Asks
There are some simple questions you may find that you have about tooth extractions that, due to their simplicity, you feel embarrassed to bring up. You may even think that you’re the only person out there thinking them, which makes you feel even more hesitant to open your mouth and let the question out. As we have said before and will always continue to remind our patients, every question you have is valuable and chances are good you’re not the first (nor will you be the last) to think of it.
Smile Preservation: Why And How?
If you take a look through our website and the services that we offer, one thing will become quite apparent: One of our main goals is to preserve your smile. This might occur through a variety of methods and may have several meanings. For instance, we can help you retain your natural tissue. We can also help you with dental implants by replace missing teeth. The end goal, of course, is always to guide you toward a smile that’s full, complete, functional, and that looks lovely. If you’re wondering why this is so important and how we do it, we are happy to share.
Extractions: Why Can’t I Use A Straw?
You would think after a tooth extraction that in order to bypass your empty socket to promote healing, it would make sense to use a straw to drink. After all, couldn’t you even drink soup, smoothies, and more this way, while you avoiding chewing for a bit? Well … it’s not exactly a good idea. In fact, it could lead to severe circumstances. What you need is to better understand the extraction site and something called dry socket. The details, as a result, will quickly fall into place.
A Couple Things To Remember About Your Oral Surgeon
There are some things you probably haven’t thought about in regard to your oral surgeon. For instance, do you know what to expect from your surgeon? Do you know what our team of oral and maxillofacial surgeons provide in terms of treatments? Are you certain about the way our team goes about providing treatments and what we take into account? Considering just a couple new ways to look at your potential surgery will help you see our practice and your future smile in a whole new light.